Working With The Right Dentist

Working With The Right Dentist

Could Flossing Your Teeth Add Years To Your Life?

Pamela Watkins

Flossing is an essential component of keeping your teeth healthy, and yet so many people fail to floss as part of their daily routine. The truth is that flossing is important -- possibly even as important as brushing and rinsing with mouthwash. When you floss, you are decreasing your chances of facing one of these medical conditions. Could this be the key to living longer, not just your dentist prodding you about your bad habits?

Plaque Leads To Heart Disease

When plaque begins to become hard tartar, the bacteria film continues building up. It becomes hard, causing irritation that inflames the gum and causes cavities. Unfortunately, this is only the beginning of the problem. One study demonstrated that this tartar build up could lead to disease of the cardiovascular system, especially for those with kidney disease. Unfortunately, researchers still don't know why this link exists.

Gum Disease May Lead To Diabetes

Researchers have found a significant link between gum disease and diabetes. Inflammation of the gums appears to affect the body's glycemic control. While diabetes can be manageable, individuals with diabetes go on to experience kidney and heart disease at a higher rate than those without it.

Periodontal Disease Causes Receding Gums

As lack of flossing allows tartar to build between the teeth, you may notice infection growing between the gum and the tooth. As bacteria slowly destroys the tissue around the tooth, you may notice the gums receding. This is not just a physical change. The bacteria also begins to eat at the surrounding bones.

Lack of Flossing Leads to Tooth Loss

You already know that cavities and tooth decay are common in those who don't floss or brush often enough, but you might not know that you could also lose your teeth. This happens when bacteria eats at the bones holding your teeth in place, causing them to become loose. A general dentistry professional may choose to remove them as a result.

Gum disease is associated with quite a few ailments, including oral cancer and kidney failure. Researchers are still unsure why such a link exists, but they continue to study. What dentists do know is that plaque is dangerous. The only way to remove plaque is via a professional dental cleaning. During the visit, you can also ask your dentist if you are at risk for any other dental or health conditions. In the meantime, it's wise to floss each night after brushing. You might not think it's doing much, but it could be saving your life.


2023© Working With The Right Dentist
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Working With The Right Dentist

When you start shopping around for dental care, it can be hard to know who to work with. Over the years, I have gone to several different dentists, and some of my experiences have been better than others. I decided to create a website to help other people to learn more about different aspects of dental care, so that you have a better idea of what you might be looking for. It can be intimidating to choose a dentist, but by knowing what you need, you might be able to look forward to your next dental check up and receive more customized care.
